
This page contains technical information required to configure SignageNode to display multimedia.

SignageNode uses a JSON structure internally to define how items should be displayed on the screen. It is not necessary to learn this structure for simple use cases because tools automatically generate it, however, for more advanced digital signage an understanding of how to build a TDJ playlist is essential. This page will introduce the basics.


Term Description
TDJ Tile Definition JSON. Used to define what displays on the screen.
Item Basic element that can be drawn to the screen. E.g. image, video or web page.
Tile A rectangular area suitable for displaying an item.
Player Processes an item and creates a texture suitable for drawing to a tile.
Playlist A list of items that play one after another sequentially.
Controller Reads items from a playlist, creates players and sequentially updates a tile.
Composite A special item that can create and update multiple tiles at the same time.
Layer A surface for drawing a top level playlist. Overlapping layers update tiles concurrently using controllers to generate the final screen output.


An item defines what is drawn to a tile. Example items:

  • Image
  • Video
  • Web page
  • Text

The item object TDJ must include a player to be used to render the item and additional data for example a uri pointing to the location of the data.

Media that does not have an inherent duration, for example images, requires duration to be specified. This value is in seconds.

Web pages and other items that have a variable output resolutions require pixelWidth and pixelHeight to be defined. The resolution specified by the item is independent of the display resolution and scaling is automatic.

See built in players.

Image item

    "player": "ImagePlayer",
    "data": {
        "label": "Funny dog",
        "duration": "10.0",
        "uri": ""

Web page item

    "player": "WebViewPlayer",
    "data": {
        "label": "Web page",
        "pixelWidth": "1920",
        "pixelHeight": "1080",
        "uri": ""

Video item

    "player": "VideoPlayer",
    "data": {
        "label": "Funny cat video",
        "uri": ""

Text item

    "player": "TextPlayer",
    "data": {
        "label": "Text",
        "pixelWidth": "1920",
        "pixelHeight": "1080",
        "text": "HelloWorld!"


A tile specifies a list of items to play sequentially and positioning information.

The tile object TDJ must include a list of items to display.

Margins can be used to position the tile. Margins are values between 0 and 1 relative to the screen size (or outer tile size when in a composite). This example displays the tile 10% from left and right edges and 5% from top and bottom. By default all margins are zero.

Items are drawn to OpenGL textures and rendered inside the tile. The scaling used to fit an item into an area defined by a tile can be specified by scaleMode in each item data. This is used when aspect ratios differ. Scale modes include:

  • border - Display a border around the non-fitting item. (Color can be set by background value)
  • crop - Make the item fit by filling the tile and cropping excess pixels.
  • stretch - Distort the aspect ratio of the item to match the tile dimensions.
  • pan - Performs crop but moves the item right or down while the item plays to show the full area.

Tile displaying a dog image followed by a cat video

    "data": {
        "marginLeft": "0.1",
        "marginRight": "0.1",
        "marginTop": "0.05",
        "marginBottom": "0.05"
    "items": [
            "player": "ImagePlayer",
            "data": {
                "label": "Funny dog",
                "scaleMode": "pan",
                "duration": "10.0",
                "uri": ""
            "player": "VideoPlayer",
            "data": {
                "label": "Funny cat video",
                "uri": ""


A composite item defines a list of tiles to display at the same time. A CompositePlayer is used to display the tiles.

The composite object TDJ must include a list of tiles to display. A duration should also be specified.

A composite acts like a wrapper to display multiple internal tiles as if they are a single item. This means a composite can contain tiles that contain additional composites. This hierarchical, grouping structure makes complicated display arrangements possible.

Items within each tile are loaded and prepared concurrently because each tile has its own independent controller.

Composite displaying a dog image next to a cat video

    "player": "CompositePlayer",
    "data": {
        "label": "Dog and cat composite",
        "duration": "10.0"
    "tiles": [
            "data": {
                "marginRight": "0.5"
            "items": [
                    "player": "ImagePlayer",
                    "data": {
                        "label": "Funny dog",
                        "duration": "10.0",
                        "uri": ""
            "data": {
                "marginLeft": "0.5"
            "items": [
                    "player": "VideoPlayer",
                    "data": {
                        "label": "Funny cat video",
                        "uri": ""

Playlists and Layers

A playlist is a list of items that should display sequentially on a layer.

The TDJ for a playlist is analogous to that of a tile. The data object can specify margins and can include a loop value to define what happens after the last item in a list.

SignageNode supports 4 layers that each progress through an independent playlist. Layers are placed on top of one another and use the full resolution of the screen. Tile positioning and transparency in the layers makes it possible for each layer to contribute to the final output.

Playlist for a layer

    "data": {
        "loop": "true",
        "marginTop": "0.05"
    "items": [

Standard Players

Player Description
ImagePlayer Displays an image. For example JPEG.
uri The web address of the image to display.
duration The number of seconds to display the image before progressing to the next item in a list.
ExoPlayer Plays a video. For example MP4. Uses ExoPlayer to decode video frames.
uri The web address of the video to display.
WebViewPlayer Displays a web page.
uri The web address of the image to display.
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the web page.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the web page.
TextPlayer Displays text. Attempts to fit text into the pixel size of item using minTextSize and maxTextSize as hints.
text The text to display.
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the text block.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the text block.
textColor Color of the text. #FFFFFF
textFont Font of the text. sans-serif
textBold Make the text bold. true
textAlign Alignment of the text. left center right
minTextSize Minimum size in pixels to render text.
maxTextSize Maximum size in pixels to render text.
multiline Wrap long text on to multiple lines. true
textShadowRatio A ratio between 0 and 1 representing the size of the shadow relative to text size.
textPrefix A prefix to the text. Useful in combination with textPrefixColor
textPrefixColor Color for the prefix text. #FF0000
VastPlayer Fetches VAST XML, parses and displays one or more media items.
uri The web address of the VAST. VAST macros supported here.
vastPost Additional data to be posted to the uri. Must be a JSON encoded text value.
vastMaxBitrate Maximum bitrate video that should be selected for playback when multiple provided in response.
vastDebug Additional debugging flag. comms
CompositePlayer Renders multiple internal items to multiple tiles. See Composites.

Additional player properties

Property Description
duration Number of seconds to display the item before progressing to the next item in a list. 9.51
label A text label or name for the item. A label can be used for displaying on screen or for reviewing playback state.
transitionShader Transition animation applied when the item starts playing. fade
transitionDuration Number of seconds to play the transition animation. 2.5
scaleMode How to fit the item when aspect ratio differs from tile. border crop stretch pan
background A background color to display when item does not match tile aspect ratio or has transparency.#FF996699
horizontalAlign Horizontal alignment when item does not match tile aspect ratio and scaleMode=border. Default center. left right
verticalAlign Vertical alignment when item does not match tile aspect ratio and scaleMode=border. Default middle. top bottom
flipHorizontal Flip the item horizontally. Useful to create virtual mirror for CameraPlayer. true false
flipVertical Flip the item vertically. top bottom
imageRotate Rotate the item. Used when camera rotation differs from pixel data. 0 90 180 270
shader Shader to apply additional processing. filmgrain saturation sharpen blur opacity greenscreen blackscreen
shaderConfig Additional properties for the shader. 0.5
impressionCallbackAddress Address to send a HTTP GET request when the item starts playing. Can be used for remote impression counting.

Special player properties

Special player properties that manipulate other active tiles. Useful to hide, resize and reposition tiles on other layers when special content displays.

Property Description
fullscreen Removes main layer margins to force an item to display fullscreen and hides layers 1 and 2. Use in main layer item data only. false true
layer0MarginTop Applies additional top margin to the active tile in the main layer. Use in layer 1 and 2 item data only.
layer0MarginRight Applies additional right margin to the active tile in the main layer. Use in layer 1 and 2 item data only.
layer0MarginBottom Applies additional bottom margin to the active tile in the main layer. Use in layer 1 and 2 item data only.
layer0MarginLeft Applies additional left margin to the active tile in the main layer. Use in layer 1 and 2 item data only.
layer1MarginTop Applies additional top margin to the active tile in layer 1. Use in layer 2 item data only.
layer1MarginRight Applies additional right margin to the active tile in layer 1. Use in layer 2 item data only.
layer1MarginBottom Applies additional bottom margin to the active tile in layer 1. Use in layer 2 item data only.
layer1MarginLeft Applies additional left margin to the active tile in layer 1. Use in layer 2 item data only.

Custom Players

Player Description
AdminAddressPlayer Displays the administration address as text.
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the item.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the item.
AdvertCountdownPlayer Displays period in minutes and seconds until the next item that is not an advert will display. Displays if the current item includes ad=true in item data. Calculates and displays the delay until the next item without ad=true in item data.
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the item.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the item.
AndroidMediaPlayer Plays videos using Android default media player. Deprecated, please use ExoPlayer.
AnimatedGifPlayer Plays an animated GIF. Please note that the standard ImagePlayer only plays first frame of a GIF.
uri The web address of the animated GIF.
BitmapPlayer Internal component for displaying an in memory bitmap image. Used by QRCodePlayer.
BlankPlayer Displays nothing. Used to create delays and colored backgrounds.
CameraPlayer Displays live video from a connected camera.
idx The camera to display (see logs to read list). 0
sizeIds The camera resolution index to display (see logs to read list). 3
DigitalClockPlayer Displays the current time and date.
format The formatting used to display the time. HH:mm:ss
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the item.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the item.
DynamicControlsPlayer Positions and displays HorizontalControlsPlayer, SimpleControlsPlayer and AdminPlayer on the edges of the screen.
AndroidMediaPlayer Plays videos using Android default media player. Deprecated, please use ExoPlayer.
ExoPlayerCaptionsPlayer Used by ExoPlayer to display captions. An item using this player should be positioned in a layer above video items.
FramedSequencePlayer Support for displaying a second sequence linked to TargetR stacks platform.
GooglePhotoPlayer Displays photos from a Google photos account. (Deprecated)
HorizontalControlsPlayer Displays playback information and playback position as a horizontal slider. Interactive.
IntroBlankingPlayer Internal component for delaying displaying programme information.
HlsExoPlayer Plays a HTTP Live Stream. Uses ExoPlayer to decode frames.
uri The web address of the HTTP Live Stream.
IntroPlayer Uses MovingPlayer to move programme information on and off the screen. The timing will be automatically set from main layer.
LiveImagePlayer Plays a live streaming MJPEG feed served using multipart/x-mixed-replace.
uri The web address of the motion JPEG stream.
MediaRssPlayer Reads a media RSS feed and displays the image as a background with the title and description above.
uri The web address of the media RSS feed.
maxItems Maximum number of items to display from the RSS feed before looping back to first item.
itemDuration Number of seconds to display each item.
showTitle Show the title from RSS. true false
showDescription Show the description from RSS. true false
showPubDate Show the publication data from RSS. true false
scaleMode How to make the media fit the tile when aspect ratio differs. pan
MosaicPlayer Works like CompositePlayer but only supports a single item in each tile. Only a single thread is used to load all items.
MovingPlayer Dynamically moves internal tiles on screen and off screen.
distance Distance relative to outer tile to move internal tiles.
in Movement to apply to move on screen. center left right up down zoom
out Movement to apply to move offscreen. center left right up down zoom
startTime Time in seconds after starting playback before in movement applied. 1.0
movementInPeriod Time in seconds to move internal tiles in. 2.0
movementOutPeriod Time in seconds to move internal tiles out. 2.0
centerPeriod Time in seconds to display internal tiles after moving inbefore moving out. 5.0
interpolator An interpolator to smooth movement. bezier bounce anticipate_overshoot overshoot
PlaylistDataPlayer Displays data stored in the active or next item TDJ in the main layer as text.
type Where to read data. From now or next item.
textSource The data variable to display. label
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the item.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the item.
PlaylistImagePlayer Fetches an address in the active or next item TDJ and displays using ImagePlayer.
type Where to read data. From now or next item.
imageUriSource The data variable to display as an image. thumbnailUri
PlaylistQrCodePlayer Displays data stored in the active or next item TDJ in the main layer as a QR code.
source The data variable to display as a QR code. uri
PopupPlayer Alias for MovingPlayer.
ProgressBarPlayer Displays a simple bar representing the progress through the active item in the main layer.
QrCodePlayer Displays a QR code.
format The format of the QR code to display. QR_CODE CODE_128
text The text to display as a QR code.
custom Custom text source.
Show admin address adminAddress
Show data from main layer active item layer0.qrAddress.
RssHeadlinePlayer Reads an RSS feed and displays the title of each item as text one by one. Also supports TextPlayer data to format text.
uri The web address of the RSS feed.
maxItems Maximum number of items to display from the RSS feed before looping back to first item.
itemDuration Number of seconds to display each item.
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the item.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the item.
RssPlayer Reads an RSS feed and displays a composite of text on left and panning web page on the right.
uri The web address of the RSS feed.
maxItems Maximum number of items to display from the RSS feed before looping back to first item.
itemDuration Number of seconds to display each item.
showDescription Show RSS description in addition to the title. true false
portrait Positions text and web page above and below to support portrait screens. true false
ScrollingTextPlayer Uses TiledTextPlayer to display a long string of text on the screen and progressively moves it to the left.
text The text to scroll across the screen.
textSize Size of the text to scroll across the screen.
width The screen width in pixels to render the text.
tilePixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels per tile for building the scrolling text.
tilePixelHeight The number of vertical pixels to render the text.
ScrollingRssPlayer Extends ScrollingTextPlayer to read from an RSS feed and scroll the titles of items.
uri The address of the RSS feed.
textSize Size of the text to scroll across the screen.
width The screen width in pixels to render the text.
tilePixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels per tile for building the scrolling text.
tilePixelHeight The number of vertical pixels to render the text.
SimpleControlsPlayer Displays buttons for previous, pause/play and next to control main layer. Used for presentations.
AdminPlayer Displays a QR code that links to the admin interface and status infromation vertically.
StatusPlayer Displays current status including framerate data transferred from internet, lan, cache and error count horizontally.
TextBlockPlayer Displays a nicely spaced title and description. Used by RssPlayer.
title The title to display.
description The description to display below the title.
TextDataPlayer TextPlayer designed to dynamically update (for macros). Does not auto scale text.
text The text to display.
textSize The size of the text to display.
pixelWidth The number of horizontal pixels used to draw the item.
pixelHeight The number of vertical pixels used to draw the item.
TiledTextPlayer A single tile of text. Used by ScrollingTextPlayer.
TwitterCompositePlayer Displays image and tweets from Twitter.
searchType The type of twitter search. search user
search The user or search string.
TwitterImagePlayer Displays images from Twitter.
searchType The type of twitter search. search user
search The user or search string.
TwitterTextPlayer Displays text from Twitter.
searchType The type of twitter search. search user
search The user or search string.


Data values can be dynamically populated at runtime using macros.

Macros automatically replace variable names in square brackets with player data. This is useful to refer to data that is not in the TDJ and updated independently.

To replace static values with dynamic values, create a property with the same name followed by Macro.

For example, text for the TextPlayer could be automatically display buildingName from player data using the following player property:

"textMacro": "Welcome to [buildingName]"

This would make it possible to use the same playlist on multiple devices, but set buildingName differently in the device data.


Transition animations play when a new item starts playback. SignageNode captures what is displayed in the tile area on the same layer immediately before playing the new item. An OpenGL shader is then used to progressively change from the captured pixel data to the new pixel data.

To apply a 2.5 second fade between items, add the following data to the new item:

"transitionShader": "fade",
"transitionDuration": "2.5"

If no shader or duration is specified, SignageNode will use a random shader from those selected in settings.

Available transitions

Transition GLSL shader name
Angular angular
Bounce bounce
Bow Tie Horizontal bow_tie_horizontal
Bow Tie Vertical bow_tie_vertical
Burn burn
Butterfly Wave Scrawler butterfly_wave_scrawler
Cannabis Leaf cannabis_leaf
Circle circle
Circle Crop circle_crop
Circle Open circle_open
Colour Phase colour_phase
Colour Distance color_distance
Crazy Parametric Fun crazy_parametric_fun
Cross Hatch cross_hatch
Cross Warp cross_warp
Cross Zoom cross_zoom
Cube cube
Directional directional
Directional Warp directional_warp
Directional Wipe directional_wipe
Doom Screen Transition doom_screen_transition
Doorway doorway
Dreamy dreamy
Dreamy Zoom dreamy_zoom
Fade fade
Fade Black fade_colour
Fade Grayscale fade_gray_scale
Fly Eye fly_eye
Glitch Displace glitch_displace
Glitch Memories glitch_memories
Grid Flip grid_flip
Heart heart
Hexagonalize hexagonalize
Inverted Page Curl inverted_page_curl
Kaleidoscope kaleidoscope
Linear Blur linear_blur
Luminance Melt luminance_melt
Morph morph
Mosaic mosaic
Multiply Blend multiply_blend
Perlin perlin
Pinwheel pin_wheel
Pixelize pixelize
Polar Function polar_function
Polka Dots Curtain polka_dots_curtain
Radial radial
Random Squares random_squares
Ripple ripple
Rotate Scale Fade rotate_scale_fade
Simple Zoom simple_zoom
Squares Wire squares_wire
Squeeze squeeze
StereoViewer stereo_viewer
Swap swap
Swirl swirl
Tangent Motion Blur tangent_motion_blur
Undulating Burn Out undulating_burn_out
Water Drop water_drop
Wind wind
Window Blinds window_blinds
Window Slice window_slice
Wipe Down wipe_down
Wipe Left wipe_left
Wipe Right wipe_right
Wipe Up wipe_up
Zoom In Circles zoom_in_circles

Transitions included under MIT license. GitHub Repository. Online preview.